Sunday, February 8, 2015


welcome to the second semester of my last year of high school. :) it's about time! so i have good news to bring to the table, I passed all of my regents and I passed my 1st semester which includes all of my classes. I am proud of myself as a person and I have seen the growth and maturity because of the decisions I am beginning to make for myself in order to see a better tomorrow. My last post was about how I wasn't understanding why certain things were happening and how I wasn't too fond of how senior year was going, but things happen for a reason and life works in mysterious ways and I'm grateful and happy with where everything is standing and I can see where things are heading. :)


  1. Yay congrats yassy lets goo class of 2015!!

  2. This is a really good blog. It shows that yours being truthful to yourself. That's good that you got your stuff together before it was too late .

  3. I am so happy to hear that Yasmin! its great to hear that you are pushing yourself to each and every limit in order to improve yourself academically. Keep it up, you have more potential than you believe!

  4. Congratulations! I hope you keep it up and finish strong.
