Sunday, April 19, 2015

something about me

Lately, things haven't been going in the direction of my favor. It's a little hard to not be angry with life and everything in it, but it's even harder trying to find the root of the problem when you have no idea where to start. I am a very shy person, even though in school I may seem outgoing because of my friends and how I act around them, but personally, I am a very shy and quiet person. I don't even like attention like that, especially negative attention. I've been faced with a situation where I've felt uncomfortable and given the circumstances, I had to put my feelings aside and continue with what I was supposed to do. It was very hard for me honestly but knowing that I completed that task makes me proud of myself and I see self improvement.


  1. I know life might not be easy, but there's plenty of other reasons out there that can definitely make you smile and bring happiness, and forget about what's not making you happy. Trust me, as long as you stay away from negativity and you know what your doing is right, positive and good things will be coming your way.

  2. They say that people who have very easy lives aren't necessarily happier. People who succeed through trying circumstances actually are happier with themselves and their accomplishments.
